
If you'd like to support my work on the DreamPi software image, donate via Paypal.me! Thank you!

DreamPi is a piece of software I've written combined with a standard set of hardware which allows the SEGA Dreamcast to connect to the internet without a dial-up ISP.

To demonstrate, here's an old crappy video! (Don't worry, it's no longer manual, just plug and play!)

What You Will Need


To build a DreamPi, you need the following hardware:
Chances are (regardless of region) you will also need to build a line voltage inducer. This is a simple circuit which sends an electric current down the telephone cable. For this you will need:
  • A 0.47uf capacitor
  • A 380 Ohm resistor
  • A 9v battery connector (two if you have a PAL modem)
  • A 9v battery (two if you have a PAL modem)
  • A soldering iron, some solder, wire strippers, electrical tape, and patience

 Right, I have them, now what? 


Connect the Raspberry Pi to the USB modem, connect that to the phone cable, connect the phone cable to the Dreamcast. Then, connect the Raspberry Pi into your router.

Now, download the image, decompress with 7zip (or whatever) and follow the instructions here to flash the image to the SD card: https://www.raspberrypi.org/documentation/installation/installing-images/windows.md

Now, insert the SD card into the Pi, and switch it on!

Configuring DreamKey / PlanetWeb

For PlanetWeb, follow the instructions found here under "Configuring the Dreamcast".

For DreamKey 3.0. You need to set the ISP number to dial to 555.

So, what's the deal with PAL modems?


Right, it took me ages to figure this out. U.S modems come in two forms, model "A" modems, and model "B" modems. Model A modems don't draw their power from the telephone line itself, or at least, they don't require it (some USB modems do however!). Model B modems do, and so to do a direct modem-to-modem connection with one of those you need to somehow add power to the connecting phone wire. That's what a "Line Voltage Inducer" does. The best instructions I've found for this are here.

But, it gets even more complicated. Generally PAL modems are classed as Model B modems - they require a line voltage. However, I found that not many PAL users had had much luck getting connected, and when I tried, it didn't work for me either, even with a line voltage inducer!

Apparently it seems that U.S. Model B modems can suffice with only 9 volts added to the telephone line, but in europe our fussy PAL modems require 18 volts!

This is simple enough to do, just build the line voltage inducer as normal, but chain two 9 volt batteries together in series, rather than using just one.

Does it work with all games?


Almost! The only games that currently have online servers that don't work are Starlancer, and the PAL version of Q3 Arena. PAL Q3 needs some work done to the DreamArena service, I'm not sure yet why Starlancer doesn't work!

How Does It Work?


When you switch on the Raspberry Pi, the DreamPi software starts automatically. It goes into "listening" mode. When in this mode, the software listens for the DTMF dial tones from the Dreamcast modem. When it stops receiving these tones it assumes that the Dreamcast has finished dialling and is now waiting for the other end to answer. Because we're not going through the telephone network, there is no ringing tone which is why the software waits for the dial tones to stop.

Once DreamPi stops receiving dial tones, it attempts to answer the call. This can take 10-20 seconds. It then hands over the connection to the PPP process running on the Raspberry Pi. DreamPi then enters a connected state and waits for the connection to finish, at which point it re-enters listening state.

Please note: Whenever the Raspberry Pi is on, the batteries in your voltage line inducer will be draining. Make sure you have plenty of 9v batteries handy! Always turn off the Raspberry Pi when you aren't playing online!

Setting up Your DreamPi

Here are two brilliant videos for setting up your DreamPi. They go into great detail and should tell you everything you need to know!

I did everything you said, and it doesn't work!

Yeah, well, there's a lot of modems out there, and a lot of things that can go wrong along the way. Things to check:

  1. If your modem has an "online" light, make sure it comes on before you try to dial the Dreamcast
  2. If you modem lights don't come on at all, it might be that the modem wasn't detected properly. Please report a bug, with your modem model number on GitHub
  3. If the lights come on, but the Dreamcast fails to connect, check your line voltage inducer, maybe put in new batteries
  4. Make sure the dreampi is actually available on your network. Try: "ping dreampi.local" from a terminal or command prompt (I don't use Windows, I think that works there too..., definitely works on OSX and Linux). If you get no response report a bug on GitHub and I'll try to help or improve the software
  5. Try plugging a monitor or TV into the Pi, it definitely boots up OK right?

Games / Software Verified to Work

  • Phantasy Star Online Version 2.
  • DreamKey 3.0
  • Quake 3 Arena
  • Sonic Adventure (website)
  • Toy Racer
  • Maximum Pool
  • 4x4 Evolution
  • ChuChu Rocket!
  • Starlancer

How can I thank you?!


Things that you can do to help me:
  • Test and report bugs, maybe even fix them!
  • Reward me with some games!
  • Send me donations so I can fund more crazy projects!


  1. Thanks again man! Looks like I have some shopping around to do!

  2. What model of the Raspberry Pi will this use? I have both a Pi 1 B+ and Pi 2 B+ I could use.

  3. Any Pi should work, I've only tested with a Pi 1 model B though!

    1. So would one of these Chinese "Orange pi's" work?

    2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. Awesome. I can't wait to try this!
    Question, couldn't you run power off the Pi to the phone line somehow? Avoid hanging a battery off the phone line?

    1. Potentially.. the problem is largely boosting the 5v from the Pi, up to 18v for the line voltage. I have some IC chips to do that but I'm not sure that the Pi will have the power...

      You'd still need a custom circuit board though - I'm working on it :)

  5. It can use a USB-serial cable to use an external serial modem?

    1. Tbh, I don't know! It might work as I work directly with the Linux serial device

    2. yes it does work! That is what I use

    3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  6. Hey!!! Thanks for the awesome raspberry pi image!! I got 18v from the raspberry pi's 5V with a step-up circuit and now I'm dialing just fine. But I'm struggling to find browser that's burnable to normal CD-R and is working. DreamKey 3.0 is too large to burn.... PSO v2 is dialing and showing welcome online screen and after that nothing.... I'm not sure what's going on...I'll continue testing and share the results!

    1. Try one of these. I could get them to burn, but ended up just buying PlanetWeb 2.0 off Amazon for like $4...


    2. If you burned PSO, and used codebreaker to get online, it won't work. You need the patched disk otherwise the moment it connects, it will do that. Something to do with the bootloader.

  7. Also check this line I found googling:

    # produces the tone

  8. my DreamPi boots and says:

    Raspian GBU/Linux 7 dreampi tty1

    pppd: no process found
    dreampi login: _

    Am I doing anything wrong?

    1. I had to log-in with the default Pi username and password, then start dreampi.py as in the video.
      How do I make this automatic, so I don't need to plug-in a keyboard every time?

    2. This looks exactly right. Did both modem lights come on? The PPP message is normal and shows that it started up on boot already

    3. Yes, both lights are on. I can now get it to dial, and the Pi receives the numbers, then says:




      then it just sits there blinking. It never actually finishes the connection. The Dreamcast eventually says there was no answer.

  9. Can i get this work @my laptop with build in modem ?

    1. Not without a bunch of manual configuration, you'd need to install Linux (e.g. Fedora or Debian) and then copy the configuration from the image...

    2. Ok, thanks... I got my rasp today so now i can forget that laptop thing and get right to the business!

  10. Hi,
    does anyone know if you exactly need the resistance and capacitance values which are described above or is it possible to change them? I fond a website (http://www.jagshouse.com/modem.html) where they used 1k for 24V and 2200uF to reduce the ripple.
    Do you use 330 Ohms and 0.47uF for 18V too?

    CU Octo

    1. Ok, the connection was established and the PPP daemon was started, but I am unable to retrieve a website (e.g. http://retro.hackaday.com). Any ideas?
      Here is the log:

      Nov 21 15:59:38 dreampi Setup complete, listening...
      Nov 21 16:04:07 dreampi Answering call...
      Nov 21 16:04:07 dreampi ATH0
      Nov 21 16:04:07 dreampi OK
      Nov 21 16:04:07 dreampi AT+VLS=0
      Nov 21 16:04:07 dreampi OK
      Nov 21 16:04:07 dreampi ATZ0
      Nov 21 16:04:08 dreampi OK
      Nov 21 16:04:08 dreampi AT+FCLASS=0
      Nov 21 16:04:08 dreampi OK
      Nov 21 16:04:08 dreampi ATA
      Nov 21 16:04:26 dreampi CONNECT 115200#015
      Nov 21 16:04:26 dreampi Call answered!
      Nov 21 16:04:26 dreampi
      Nov 21 16:04:26 dreampi pppd[31492]: pppd 2.4.5 started by root, uid 0
      Nov 21 16:04:26 dreampi pppd[31492]: Using interface ppp0
      Nov 21 16:04:26 dreampi pppd[31492]: Connect: ppp0 <--> /dev/ttyACM0
      Nov 21 16:04:26 dreampi Connected
      Nov 21 16:04:29 dreampi pppd[31492]: found interface eth0 for proxy arp
      Nov 21 16:04:30 dreampi pppd[31492]: local IP address
      Nov 21 16:04:30 dreampi pppd[31492]: remote IP address

      TIA Octo

    2. Small update :). I am able to connect to my router in my local network with via IP address, but I cannot access external websites via IP. Seems to be a routing problem!?

    3. Try the new release, perhaps that will fix it?

    4. Hi Luke,
      I just installed the latest release, but it is still not working. However, I found the problem on my system. The PPP configuration uses the wrong DNS server. In /etc/ppp/options, I see "ms-dns", but in my network I need "". If I change this value manually, everything works fine. Is this a problem with the autoconfiguration?

    5. Try the latest release. The DNS is supposed to point to the Pi's internal IP (this used to be .100 but now it's .99) you should find that the DNS issues are resolved.

      0.98 is here: http://blog.kazade.co.uk/2015/12/dreampi-098-released.html

    6. Sorry, had not mucht time to test it lately. It works fine now. Thanks a lot :-)!

  11. This comment has been removed by the author.

  12. You're sure about everything else? I take it Ferrari F355 Challenge won't work.

  13. This comment has been removed by the author.

  14. I've got everything set up inc. voltage line inducer but when DreamPi boots I get the following fails -

    "not running dhcpcd beacause etc/network/interfaces...failed!" and "defines some interfaces that will use a DHCP client...failed!"

    It then asked me to log in which I did with the default Pi username. And I'm left with -

    pi@dreampi $

    What am I doing wrong? :)

    1. I'm getting the same problem. If anyone knows the problem I'd like to know how to fix it. Thanks

    2. also getting this, and it isn't connecting. are there any common causes/solutions to this?

    3. the pi is getting an IP address from my router and can connect to the internet fine. the modem lights are blinking.
      "lsusb" returns this line:
      "Bus 001 Device 004: ID 0572-1329 Conexant Systems (Rockwell), Inc."
      i bought this modem specifically after a forum post suggested it as linux compatible and works for ARM architecture.
      i also just bought an ...A model modem for my US system to get around the power issue.
      any other ideas? any help is really appreciated. i think this is a cool project and i want to be involved.

    4. here is a screenshot from the pi after switching it on, in case this helps (hosted on tinypic)

    5. Mine is working now, it ended up being a power issue (even with the A model modem, apparently). I got a line voltage inducer from dreamcastlive.net (USB powered) and it worked fine with the web browser (even with these two "fail" lines at boot).

  15. Any plans to add wifi support? That would be great if it could work.

    1. WiFi works now if you know how to configure it on the Raspberry Pi :)

      I'm looking into making this a supported option.

    2. Hi do I need a Pi2? is your image based on a Pi2? Thanks

  16. Are you aware of any USA modems which are "model A" (provide power to the line)?
    I am looking at

    1. I don't think the Model A modems provide power to the line. I think they are powered by the Dreamcast. Old landline telephones could still work when the Mains power went down because they are powered via the phone lines.

      With the model A modems, you probably still need the LVI for the USB modem to work too.

      Not sure if a stand alone wall powered modem needs an LVI too.

  17. Thanks for review! Lot's useful information!:)
    spy for phones

  18. Hi, great work. Is it possible to run the dial in server in the openelec kodi image? Would be nice if I didn't have to swap SD cards every time I want to play online or use kodi :-)

  19. My modem look exactly the same as yours, yet it isn't detected by te RaspberryPi.
    lsusb says;
    Bus 001 Device 005: ID 0572:1300 Conexant Systems (Rockwell), Inc. SoftK56 Data Fax Voice CARP

    Any thoughts?

    1. Hi out there,
      got the same modem. The 2nd light don't give light. When i try to play Q3, the game says "no ring tone". A friend built me out of an old printer psu (18 V), a voltage inducer. But he was struggling with the cables, because they have all the same color, he said.

    2. I asked my friend about the psu, he said there is everything ok with it. But he ment I have to put the modem driver into the "firmware" folder. And I cannot because no USB stick will not be recognise, with "lsusb" I can see that a stick is plugged in. But with "sudo mc" I cannot find it neither in /media nor /mnt. I tried 4 different sticks, with different formations.
      Have the dreampi at the moment USB media support?

  20. Ah, my guess it that you have a Hayes compatible modem;

    The modem you provided in your link above doesn't work as it is a softmodem

    1. I bought my modem from Kazade's eBay link and it works for me. However, it has a slightly different PID:

      Bus 001 Device 004: ID 0572:1340 Conexant Systems (Rockwell), Inc.

  21. Is it all possible to grab 10v off the two gpio headers and just wire it into the modem cable to eliminate the need for external battery? I'm no electrical engineer so I don't know if this amount of voltage would blow out something or cause the pi to not function at full power. Though I figured since the pi does offer up 10v from the gpio that it would be usable with the line voltage inducer for NTSC users.

    1. It's more the current you need to worry about rather than the voltage. I don't know the answer, if you've tried it and it works then let me know!

  22. Hi kazade, I tried to build a voltage inducer but I don´t have any experience with solder. How can I know if a did my voltage inducer works without a dreamcast? I did one but it doesn´t work.

    In my country I can´t find any 380 ohm resistor,
    It has to be exactly that value?

    Thanks a lot

    1. No, if you can't find 380 Ohm then you should be fine to go down to 330 Ohm.

  23. Awesome project!

    Don't forget Alien Front Online ;)

  24. This comment has been removed by the author.

  25. Hi I Have a Very Noob Question,
    I live in the Uk and when you use dream pi even through you are not using the telephone line, does it still give you any dial up ISP charges even though you are using broadband,
    My Second question is that is there a specific tutorial of how to configure the dreamcast in the Uk
    Finally i would love to use dream pi i have everything prepped (Including the Dreamcast), however the main thing i need to know is that if i would get charges because i am dialing from my dreamcast (Assuming) straight to the raspberry pi, i do apologies for the very noob question, however i have no experience with Dial up and have no clue how to use it.
    By the way awesome work with all your dreamcast projects (Got to admit i quite like your engine as well)

    1. No dial up ISP charges; your dreamcast *thinks* it's connecting to dial up but it's not.

      I'm not sure about your other question though but this video should answer your Qs :) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lPvNQAi-yeM

    2. Thank You Much Appreciated

    3. If kazade can see this post it might be worth adding to the post what David said (if it is possible) that dream pi doesn't charge broadband users as if they was using dial up as it will possably help inexperienced users

  26. This comment has been removed by the author.

  27. I Have Another question,
    as it states on the article the Model A Modem's dont need power from the telephone line, does this mean you wont need a Line Voltage inducer?
    Secondly can you run retro pi on a Virtual Machine on a PC for this??

    1. Sorry i Meant Dream pi, It was auto correct that said Retro

  28. Hi luke, I have a little question about dns on dreampi. I want to use a internal dns server on my lan, but as I see you use a dreampi dns server to access to the online games.

    What are the file that I have to modify to get it? Only /etc/ppp/options o anyone else?

    I want to do for programming purposes, and I don´t want to modify any wrong file on dreampi. Thank you

  29. This comment has been removed by the author.

  30. So, if I have a USB modem that doesn't need a power supply outside of the Pi, and the model A modem, will I need a line voltage inducer?

    1. I really wish someone would answer that question. I do not know anything about creating a line voltage inducer.
      I purchased the Pi, USB to dial up, and Dreamkey on eBay, and am really hoping it all works when it arrives. I know how to do everything with the Pi bc I have a Retropi.
      but, wow.. soldering together a complex device with zero instructions?
      Also, under the list of needed items, it says this requires a Dreamcast browser software (e.g. Dreamkey 3.0), but it is never explained why or where it gets used to get the Dreamcast online. What do I need to do with the disk to get everything to work? Do I need to put it when booting up the Dreamcast every time I want to play PSO, or Quake? Is it needed to create an account for those games? Answering some of these questions I bet would help out more than just me right, or am I stupid?

  31. This comment has been removed by the author.

  32. OK, sent away for a Linux compatible USB Modem to try this, I already have all the other bits.
    One question though, any reason why you can't just use a 9, or 18, volt power supply instead of using batteries?

  33. so i have about everything i need.
    - raspberry pi
    - sd card with dreampi installed
    - ethernet bridged to computer (can't connect to router since i'm in another room, so i'm bridging wifi and ethernet).
    - dreamcast (of course),
    - NTSC/USA model-A modem adapter

    i'm getting the recommended modem, would it require line voltage inducer with a USA model A modem? because if so, looks like i'll have to save up a bit more money, heh

    1. Yeah, you'll need a line voltage regardless of modem.

  34. Hmmm, for whatever reason, I'm still unable to connect to PSOv2, using the DreamPi 1.4 image (I have a RasPi 3B). While it detects the modem no problem, and connects to the net, PSO is stuck on the four coloured spinning rhombus loading screen, and after a minute it just displays the "can't connect to the server" message.

    What's even weirder is the fact that I'm able to connect to the Sylverant PSO server, using the same modem, on an older notebook with Crunchbag++ Linux. So it's not the Dreamcast or the LVI cable issue.

    Do I need to setup anything else here? Port fowarding? DMZ?

    1. Phantasy Star Online doesn't require DMZ or Port Forwarding to connect. Back when my DreamPi setup was working before the start of this month, it'd connect to Sylverant perfectly fine.

  35. Can it work with the broadband adapter?

  36. Can i use a MagicJack to connect? It has a Line Voltage inducer. I just don't know how to interface with the MagicJack.

    1. It's a USB audio device, so you would need a softmodem codec and magicjack would have to get it right (I'm not sure yet if it could work or not!)

  37. Do you thing in sell the dreampi alread made?

  38. I do not know anything about creating a line voltage inducer. Will I need it if I am in the USA?

    If so, is there an easy kit, or premade version, or something online I can purchase so I dont have to spend $10,000 to get an entire soldering iron, and go back to school to learn how to pronounce, make, and use a line voltage inducer, 0.47uf capacitor, 380 Ohm resistor, and 9v battery connector.

    I purchased the Pi, USB to dial up, and Dreamkey on eBay.
    I am really hoping it all works when it arrives.

    I already know how to do everything with the Pi, bc I worked with a Retropi.
    But WOW.. soldering metal together to make a complex device with zero instructions?

    Also, under the list of needed items, it says this requires a Dreamcast browser software (e.g. Dreamkey 3.0), but it is never explained why, or where it gets used to get the Dreamcast online.
    What do I need to do with the disk to get everything to work?
    Do I need to put it when booting up the Dreamcast every time I want to play PSO, or Quake?
    Is it needed to create an account for those games?

    Answering some of these questions I bet would help out more than just me right, or am I stupid? Im sure alot of this makes sense to the people who played online back in 1999-2003, but I was still a kid simply playing Sonic Adventure.

  39. I would love to play online with other dreamcast players :)

  40. Could you release your software not packaged as a raspberry pi image, but either as a binary/source to build on any Linux? I really hate the Raspberry Pi and want to use a regular PC or a different ARM board.

  41. I live in a pal region, but my dreamcast and modem is Jap. do i need to follow the USA route or pal?

    1. USA. I have a North American DC and Jap modem and it works fine

    2. That's what i figured :) thanks!

  42. The USB modem you linked to does not work. It doesnt even say it supports linux on the product page. I waited for it to come in the fail just to have to return it and buy a different one. Please try to update this page to correct it. I dont want others to have to go through the same issue :/

  43. please jsut take a view at this family locator that would be great addition for your phone

  44. Any idea on what to do if Dreampi hangs at the line (paraphrased) port 67 (interval 8...)? I've got it hooked up directly to my router, but it just doesn't want to make a connection. Can it be manually reconfigured?

  45. Hey. I am completely stuck. I have everything set up, Dreampi runs all the way to the login screen, but when I try to dial out through XDP it doesn't connect. I think my Line voltage inducer is fine as it is producing a dial tone when connected to a handset through my main phone line (no dial tone when batteries are taken out). I'm thinking I may have a problem with my fax modem (link: https://www.amazon.co.uk/d/Modems/IIEasy-External-Internet-support-computer-through-Windows/B019QEZIEI/ref=sr_1_4?s=electronics&ie=UTF8&qid=1482154112&sr=1-4&keywords=fax+modem+56k+usb)
    Do i need to install any type of driver to the pi first for it to run. I'm at a complete loss. Any help will be appreciated. Cheers

  46. So I was wondering: Could you use a Multi-Tech MultiModem ZPX MT9234ZPX-PCIE Fax Modem - 56 Kbps modem? I got raspbian working on a pc with it, and i have dreampi on an sd card. The booklet it comes withs ays its a linux compatible part.

  47. Hi Kazade!
    Thank you for your nice work for dreamcast-fans!
    I connected all components like in your video, but PlanetWeb 3.0 didn't connect to internet.
    I think a problem in fax-modem. I buy it on your link, but only one light is on when the DreamPi is working.
    Please help me and thank you!

  48. Can the Raspberry Pi Zero be used to make one of these?

    1. Yes but you need zero4u to have extra usbs. Is the best solution and using RP Zero.


  49. Hey i bought a cheap $10 modem on eBay and only one light goes on and it does not respond, what should i do? i bought another one from a different seller because i thought it wasn't working and i ended up getting the same result. I don't know the model number of it, all it says on the back is "USB 2.0 56K Modem MADE IN CHINA". here is a link to the driver that came with it on a small disc- http://www.mediafire.com/file/ab4be1vr1rq9fbm/modem+drivers.zip
    if anyone could help me that would be greatly appreciated.

    1. update- i ended up getting the dell NW147 usb modem and it works perfectly. if you are planing to do this your self get the dell NW147, it is the best modem for this project.

    2. Just ordered one for this project after seeing your comment! Quick question, was it as simple as plug-and-play for you or did you have to do any tinkering to get it to work?

  50. Hello Luke

    I have one question for you. The last days i bought the new raspberry pi zero W (Include wifi and bluetooth). It is possible to update Dreampi to support the wifi on RP Zero w? Thank you :)

  51. @darksynbios; if the raspberry pi zero supports usb and has an active network, than yeah most likely. I managed to use a cubieboard2 instead. Make sure your linux distro supports your usb modem and use the python scripts from the dreampi.

  52. Hello, I am about to try it anyway but will a full on line simulator that rings the line when dialed work too. I have one of them and that would be eaiser for me if it works with that.

  53. Yes iT would, I use a telephone switchboard instead of a line simulator. Works great. Just dial the internal number.

    I also use the switchboard for modem games on the Saturn.

    1. thank you for the speedy reply :)
      amm in the middle of setting it upnow and I am glad to hear that it sould work fine :)

    2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  54. Hi lee, that's great news. Just to be clear, did you get it to work with the switchboard? Please tell us your used pi, USB modem and switchboard for others in this community.

  55. It worked briefly and timed right with a pi and a USB modem and a PC with a modem on the dialing end but not reliably at all and would not work with the DC.
    The problem is that the USB modem goes off hook and supplies its own dial tone and waits for the DC to dial.
    For a line simulator the modem would have to be in answer mode and pickup when it receives a RING.
    I don't know if I can modify it to do this, I will try tommorow but my skills are limited so any help would be apreciated

  56. I have solved all my problems, and without modifying dreampi at all :)

    As requested the hardware I am using is:
    Raspberry pi model 2
    Some generic conexiant chipset modem that lists Linux compatibility on the box and has a power and a connected light.
    And a duotel plus line simulator.

    The problem was solved by changing a setting on the line simulator that was so obvious when I thought about it...
    All I had to do was enable 'hot dial' (sometimes called ring down) so as soon as the modem goes off hook, the second line starts ringing. It does not matter that it is ringing, the crucial thing is that when you attempt to dial it connects the 2 lines and the pi will be supplying its fake ringtone, Dreamcast will than dial and all is good.

    So if you are having trouble using a line sim that you most likely had from the old days of using a PC to do this :) that will most likely solve your problems.

    Do lot forget for the modem to go off hook before dialing the Dreamcast :)

  57. Does this work with Alien Front Online?

  58. Hello! Thanks for all of the hard work put into this project.

    I wanted to throw in another request to have DreamPi support the built-in wireless in the Pi Zero W. I've tried my best to get it working, but no such luck.

    Thank you!

    1. Did you ever get this working with your Zero W? I've been working on it for days with no luck. It appears I'm able to connect but unable to go any webpage or server.

  59. Can i use a asus tinker board for it instead of a raspberry pi?

  60. Would the cheap orange pi's with the raspberry os work? And does the original PSO work, or just v2?

  61. This comment has been removed by the author.

  62. hi, Dreampi can be used on Android Mini PC?

  63. Hi All.
    Amazing work on this :) Just wondering, does the Raspberry Pi Zero W work? I have got it working with Pi2 and Pi3 but hoping the Zero W works so I can mount it into a small case.

  64. This comment has been removed by the author.

  65. Hi, nice project! Is there any chance this would work for a Commodore 64 which also just has a phone line socket? – Chris aka youtube.com/Perifractic

  66. Could you please update this so it will work on a Raspberry Pi Zero W? I'm doing what I can, but I've never handled Linux before.
    After installing DreamPi onto the MicroSD, everything boots normally, but it seems DreamPi can't find the integrated WLAN device.
    Here are good instructions for connecting to WiFi if your DreamPi can detect your network device: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=F1kcZ_A92BY&ab_channel=DreamcasticChannel

  67. Awesome Article thanks for sharing it
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  68. I heard you eventually want to make every Dreamcast game with an online component put online. If what you need are genuine US GD-ROMs of the games not done yet, I'd like to "temporarily donate" (meaning I want them back when done. Also is it safe? I know cartridges have to be disassembled to be decoded, but are GDs safe?)

    Also got a few other questions. May I have someone's email who is involved in Dreamcast Online to write deeper stuff? Issues include buying a voltage inducer, figuring out which kind of Dreamcast Modem I have, instruction of installing the programming of the DreamPi, a suggestion to raise more money for dreamcast online, and a suggestion for a new app that can help ALL gamers find opponents for obscure games. The bottom 80% of games that get 10% of traffic. It's tough to find online opponents on Xbox, let alone Dreamcast.

  69. Does it work with raspberry pi 3 a+? USB ethernet adapter is not a problem.

  70. I don’t see an email to contact you so I assume the chat is where I get help.

    You don’t give directions on how to flash the DreamPi update specifically on a Macintosh. The Macintosh link just gives you to general instructions of flashing Pi files but it talks a lot about Raspberian files and NOOBS. And every time I think I finish flashing the disc, the Modem doesn’t work, and the HDMI output for the PI is a blank black screen. So I assume It’s something wrong I’m doing on the Raspberry Pi I tried writing Raspberry-pi.org and they don’t want to seem to help me. They told me to get Dreampi specific help.

  71. hi excuse me i got a question can i use the dream with gdemu?

  72. Has anyone tried using more than one modems connected with a USB hub? I would like to set this up for more than one device to connect at a time.

  73. Hello,
    i was wondering if i could use this setup to dail into bulletin boards systems using an pc.

  74. I want to play with you but I can't find a USB modem dell NW147. Anyone have something else that works ?

  75. Confirmed to work With Rpi 1B Plus and Rpi 3B Plus. No difference other than boot times.. Which should not be an issue as rebooting this is, practically, almost never needed..

  76. Why not just get a broadband adaptor ?

  77. Why not use the Broadband adapter?

    A) broadband adapters are expensive.
    B) every game works with the dual up modem, therefore works with DreamPi. The BBA only works with certain games, and those games also work with dial up.

    Again I'm waiting for instructions on how to flash ab SD card for Raspberry Pi.

    No one gives Mac-specific instructions.

    1. This comment has been removed by the author.

    2. https://www.raspberrypi.org/documentation/installation/installing-images/mac.md

      If you're serious about Dreamcast and plan on getting a GDEMU or doing any similar mods, though, I strongly recommend installing Windows as a Bootcamp partition. I do all of this sort of work in my Windows Bootcamp partition. Most utilities for the Dreamcast require Windows.

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  85. 1. World Trade Federation does Poker online have to do with DreamPi?

    2. I'd like to ask how to get DreamPi installed on my Pi. I don't have a PC, and prefer not to "go under the knife" with Apple Terminal mode i do have the ability to download on my Android phone. or either Mac or the Pi directly using hotspot.

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